We are starting a homeschool teen, speech and debate club!
Exciting news! We are starting a homeschool teen, speech and debate club.
The 'Speak Up Speech and Debate Club' is a Cincinnati Homeschool Enrichment Program.
We will meet on a FRIDAY, 1:30-3:30 twice each month at the Anderson Township Library, Cincinnati.
The first 8 sessions are the Youth Leadership Program; a workshop sponsored by a local Toastmasters International Club.
Participants develop communication and leadership skills through practical experience. The program is geared towards teens, ages 13 and up. The Participants learn to:
• Evaluate present speaking ability • Organize and give speeches • Give impromptu talks • Control voice, vocabulary and gestures • Give constructive feedback and more
We contacted our local Toastmasters International Club and asked if they would mentor us. Start your own club!